Some part of me will always be stuck on you, no matter what you do or what I do,

As you were almost mine, and that “almost” fucking breaks my heart constantly, maybe that’s all we will ever be, an incomplete sentence, a half-written story, finished without an ending, but I can’t move on.

Not a single day goes past where I don’t think about you, about us, about what we used to be, about what we will be.

Just in case you don’t know but you brought the happiness out in me.

A side I had never seen so much of before. You made me the happiest person in the whole planet, just being in your presence.

Nights are scary without you. I’m struggling because every time see your name, your texts, or even think about you, my heart drops and I wanna cry. With each night that goes by, I go to sleep hoping it’ll all get easier tomorrow and it never does.

And now I’m struggling alone because it’s really hard to move on when deep down I don’t want to.

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लाइफ में एक बार प्यार ज़रूर करना चाहिए
ताकि ये समझ आ जाए कि प्यार क्यों नहीं करना चाहिए

~ A Maheshwari

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