Dear Me,

I know there was no valid reasoning for her betraying you. I know that you didn’t deserve it. I know it’s not fair. The truth is someone like her will never give you that closure or apology that you deserve. But that’s ok because I will give it for you.

I’m sorry for everything that she did to you and the way she treated you. Doesn’t an apology from someone who cares and loves you mean more than an apology from a selfish person who doesn’t?

She will never see the wrong in what she did. This isn’t “bias”. This is human decency and she clearly doesn’t have any. But you can’t destroy yourself because of it.

You need to eat, you need to sleep, you need to control your panic attacks, you need to pull yourself together after you cry, you need to breathe. You need to want to be alive because you are so important and loved.

Your parents, siblings, friends, co-workers, and so many more people need you here.
I need you here, you’re my best friend. Life doesn’t end because one girl does not love you. It begins.

I need you back. I need the person who would walk into any room and could make every person laugh and smile uncontrollably.

The jokester of the group. The person with the kindest heart, that even in the wake of how much pain she caused you, you never stopped being nice and good hearted to her or anyone.

You remained you and I need that YOU to be strong right now. I promise you that all that you helped her with and all the love that you gave her that she couldn’t return will be returned to you one day by someone who loves and appreciates you. You matter so much.

With Regards,

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लाइफ में एक बार प्यार ज़रूर करना चाहिए
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~ A Maheshwari

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